We have the capacity to make or break with the power of the tongue. See the facts, but also know the truth of God about your situation. Speak the Word over your situation until that situation conforms to that word.
Speaker: Pastor Garth Rowe
Scripture: James 3: 1- 13
Date: Jan 20, 2019
Key words: Prophesy. Speak. Tongue. Attitude. Promises. Relationships.
Key points:
1. Take control of your tongue
2. We will need to learn to speak the Word of God.
3. Protect your mood and your spirit by the use of your tongue. Do not allow your mood to determine what what you say.
4. Activate Gods promises using your tongue.
5. Create your future using your tongue.
6. Build relationships with your words.
Additional Scriptures: Prov. 18 21. 1 Sam 30 :6. Number 14:28.