Victory is a mindset for the believer. We are called to progress. Territories conquered must be maintained. Regression is not an option.
Speaker: Pastor Garth Rowe
Scripture: Isaiah 43 18-19 Title: Upward and Onward Date: Sept 15, 2019 Keywords: Forward. Upward. Onward. Regression. Key points:
Prevent regression by
1. Praying always 2. Staying in the word 3. Having others pray with/for you 4. Being diligent in spiritual things 5. Walking in the Spirit 6. Practicing to abstain from destructive activities 7. Examining yourself. 8. Staying in an atmosphere that promotes fellowship 9. Developing a spirit of encouragement. Additional Scriptures: Psalm 92 :12; Philippians 3 :14; Hebrews 12 :1 |
Upward and Onward